gosh, lets just say it all started because of my high curiosity. My hamster (Snow) was er..screaming (at least that was what i thought. Then Xiao Hei( the male ) was chasing her around. So i assumed, he was on heat, so i waited to see them having their er..pleasure session. (yea..sweat me =.=")...so there i was, sitting down on the floor, looking at them. And suddenly, i saw something coming out of snow's er...you-know-where. As i look on, MY GOODNESS!! She's giving birth! Holy crap! Instead of the pleasure session, it turned out to be a giving birth session!I didn't know what to do. I kinda panicked and started calling everyone i can think of. Started of with my cousin, Valentina. i remembered, she used to have hamster. But then she said her hamster has never given birth before. Well, she suggested to me that i should take out the male one. And so i did
Xiao hei in a cage that i had just bought....
No, i didn't snap a photo of the babies. Didn't want to scare them. I just left them and the mother in the same cage(i have no idea if i should separate them T.T)Yikes!i saw 4. Snow, just don't turn into a canibal.
i just hope Snow won't eat ALL of them.... will take some pics later on, but not today....Returning back to my giving light session...fingers cross!! i'm a grandma now (that's what Hmin said..=.=")