
The haze has been hitting Penang and other parts of Malaysia for the past 2 days or so. I had been sleeping at night without my blanket. Imagine me staying in the 14th floor where my apartment use to be windy and quite cold has now turn into a warm place. Haze has definitely taken of Penang for real. Rain God, please please shower us with rain PLEASE??

Here's a photo that i took on 16th June 2009 (Last Tuesday). Notice Penang bridge at d back (middle) Press the photo for a bigger view.
And below are the photos that i took today before going off to work(19 June, Friday)

See, can even take a photo of the sun which was engulfed in the haze.... Can't even see Penang bridge now..Nearly invisible.

What that really annoyed me today was when i had my lunch break. As usual, i went to food court in Batu Maung for lunch. I past by a school, and to my amazement, that 'smart' school actually STILL is burning some God-knows-what rubbish. ...!@$@#%#%^

HELLO, ARE YOU BLIND?HOW ARE YOU ACTUALLY EDUCATING THE STUDENTS THERE ABOUT ECOLOGY AND ALL WHEN YOU HAVE A GARDENER WHO'S POLLUTING EVEN MORE, CONTRIBUTING EVEN MORE TO THE HAZE??? sigh...i wish people see the IMPORTANCE of saving the mother earth. I'm sure, if our earth could voice out her thoughts, she might be screaming for HELP right now....

She stares out of her bedroom's window, seeking for a glimpse of the moon, but it was not there like the night before. She looked around again, eagerly. Too bad, it's invisible behind the dark clouds and black sky, way, way, way far from the earth. She sat back and starts having thoughts spinning around in her head. She was thinking which part or where went wrong? She wasn't so sure herself, and keep assuring herself that things are just fine. She's wondering where's the missing piece, a valuable piece that she has somehow lost along the way......Without that piece, things seems to be imperfect. That's just life, so imperfect...so unpredictable


Sigh.... recently, i found out that someone whom i really cared a lot for has been smoking and drinking hard. REAL big time. I was so surprised that he's slowly turning into an alcoholic and a heavy smoker. So i've heard, Vodka, Cocktails, has been his "sky juice" on a regular basis. Growing into adulthood, i guess there's this transition state where one will find his or her own identities, having frequent arguments with their elder ones (parents), relationships, friends and studies. I wonder which category/S does he falls in?
I'm feeling rather bad and guilty myself for shutting him away each time he needs me. Sad to say, his messages that he sent to me telling me about his problems will be cut short by me with the ," sorry dear, i'm busy. I'll get back to you?" But i never did. Not returning his calls. Not even a SINGLE message. T.T Somehow, i felt that i might be a part of his reasons for his unhealthy habits. Not being able to reach out to someone whom can lend their ears too, that might be a reason. So, he seeks alcohols and cigarettes. 5 days of alcohols and God knows how many packs per week.
I also found out that he can actually inhale in 1 breathe, and exhale out the smoke, leaving behind only half of the cigarette bud in 1 shot! Seriously, i have no idea how to talk him out.I wonder if i can...

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