Bad day! Bad day! Got cheated into going to class again. Originally a 9.30 class, my lecturer postponed to 10.30 am. Well, me, Kan and h min's usually 1 of the early birds. There we go, waited ever since 10.15. We got a news saying that, she went there for awhile and told my friend." Class batal kalau saya tak datang pukul 11". So, we waited....till 10.55. Couldn't wait much longer anymore, so ALL of us, the whole class decided to leave...who cares if she did appear at 11am sharp? My day, worst still, my "precious" is seriously hopeless(i hope not) now...
no display, but the key pad's lights' on!..T.T i've repaired countless it time to say goodbye???T.T And, to make things SUPER-DUPER-TERRIFIC-LY-FABULOUS-LY DREADFUL, i have a night class. on FRIDAY night, when i'm suppose to be at home in SP right now....T.T T.T T.T T.T
crazy me...courtesy of h min's "professional" photography skills......... =.=" i'm INSANE!
Tags emo , University
25th February 2009..... we go to gurney after cam-whoring......
The time that we booked in red box was 3pm. we got there earlier, then we just wandered around. Had bread in bread history, my cousin's working there. He told us that his supervisor is a lesbian *gasp*. Apparently i got to see her girlfriend. CUTE! =] nah, i didn't take a photo of that.
In Parkson....The changing room. geng! never been in there before...but i wonder what's the chair n table is for? let me guess, the male or the female get changed, then the partner can sit and look?
When we reached red box
psst.....remember the receptionist's face properly. she's just so unfriendly. i resisted the urge of asking her if she knows how a receptionist should serve the customers, and go look at yourself in the mirror.....darn! just don't look at us as though we're from some kampung...sweat!
anyway, i wouldn't let such a small little thing get in our ways...this is tasteless ramen (Oh God, please forgive me,i do keep in mind of gratitude =p)..It's called andy lau instant ramen. No kidding. "lau tak wah" ler....but...enough said!
Siaw ching, ah kan and hui min sang more. Unfortunately for me, there are not much choices of english songs. Or shall i say, i can't really sing, so most songs aren't suitable for me...T.T. So, as a conclusion, Red Box in Penang sucks. never been to others though. might suck too
3 hours of singing, then we headed to Toy's "R" Us... This was what they did...
And as though our "wuliao-ness" is not enough......Pretending to be models...=]
Kid's train table set for RM899 ??
Till then...
Tags Outing , University
gosh, my second post for today. i am bored i guess..and exhausted to have to CRACK my head for my psychology assignment. Damn, answering this 'thing:' in Bahasa is KILLING ME! i officially suck in our national language right now. sigh...
anyway, it had been a day of "emptiness" today. no nothing. Rewind, not nothing actually. Got ' aeroplane -d' by my lecturer. i can't believe he cheated us to attend his class today WHEN he himself was not around. Sir, how could u? T.T
so, we were just lazing around in class...
well, at least i did some sketches ...=]
Tags University
i wish that i'm a psychic
i wish that I AM NOT LAZY
i wish that i'm still 7, just starting off my primary school, no worries
i still have to put this here; wish that i'm not afraid of having the feeling of losing something
i wish that life ain't complicated
i wish that there's always a sure answer for everything
i wish that hopes do not lead to disappointments
i wish that i am sleeping right now cuz i'm tired
i wish that i'm not someone obsessive
i wish..........
p/s: YAY! class canceled is the only thing that's making me HAPPY today ~ chow~
Tags i wish.....
i'm so freaking PISSED! my freaking printer's cartridge bocor again. ARGH!! Though i'm freaking thankful to it, yet i can't help myself from condeming the model. Brother -DCP135. Not so "brotherly" i suppose. I remember my cousin, Rick said, " wei, why didn't buy sister?" sweat!
Despite all that, i still have to praise as it's an all-in -1 printer, with scanner, print and photocopy ( i think thats all lah. consider all in 1 ar?). Btw, it offers good and nice quality printing. sigh...
Maybe it was me who wasn't professional or smart enough to refil the freaking ink. WHAT A FREAK!
Psst...don't buy this if u can't take up the challenge, avoiding yourself from getting into this kinda situation EACH time u refill. The ink wouldn't go off. Have to wait till days....
enough of this. signing off.....i've never written so many of the word "freaking" before.
p/s: polymer prince a.k.a Ah beng, i guess u rocked the house! sigh...more fans i think??anyway, i'm proud of ya! =]
Tags random
my wish list that will never come true T.T
i wish that i'm SERIOUSLY in my FIRST year right now
i wish that it's 48 hours a day instead of 24
i wish that Malaysia has 4 seasons... i wanna play with Snow Man
i wish that i'm a better person than who i am this instant
i wish that i have the mood for my assignments right now
i wish that i'm at home, lazing around
i wish that i don't have to go to class tomorrow..aiks..
i wish that you're right here, right now
i wish that i have no fear in me
i wish that i could turn back the time
i wish that i'm studying right now!
Tags i wish.....
This semester, the theme for our Product project is SUSTAINABILITY. which means, whatever we intend to do is to be able to help the earth. After much thinking, i came up with tsunami detector device. It wasn't a good idea anyway, and i changed it to toys. ECO-TOYS
i'll be using this.....
and make it into this
One of the above actually. Not really sure what i'm going to do yet. Toy train's currently the top of my list.
till then.. sad but true- night class later T.T
Tags Projects
(i DISLIKE taking photos with people who has HUGE EYES!! T.T)
last friday, i attended a beautiful wedding reception of my cousin's in Alor Star. I wasn't sure if i'm the 'old-fashion' type, or the world is changing drastically. From what i have in my memory, wedding dinners are what i assume to be "synonym" (at least some part la) to karaoke... people will go up on stage and sing their hearts out, needless to say whether they're talented or not.
but what suprised me was, i felt myself being in a, Those singers (that's what i thought) came down to the audiences' floor and started dancing with them. One of them even let them carried her, swinging her around. YUK!!! Thank goodness ah ma didn't attend. phew ~
here's one of the videos i took don't blame my cousin(the married one- girl)...btw, look at that uncle with glasses clad in soft orange shirt, telling the girl go where and where, so perverted! some more give her ang paoS...
Anyway, till here for now. Loads of things to do. super busy........
p/s: congrats to my cousin.....
Tags Wedding